Thursday, August 30, 2007


well, its 12plus now in the morning, and what am i dong here, when i only have a few hours of sleep in the last few days due to sch work. well tomorrow is an very important day for me, cos its my CG multiplication day! Hoo~ and for the 1st time i being multiplied out, haha... not really, cos i will co leading the new CG as a PCGL, so ya... excitied? definately, stressed? still alright... but honestly, sometimes there isn't really a lot to worry about, cos i know that everything in the ministry is not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit, i just do my best and God wll do the rest! so my new CG members, no matter who you are, prepare yourself for and fun and exciting yet powerful journey with the Lord as E455 is offically multiplied tomorrow! Father, i thank You, for all the great and wonderful things You've done in this CG, continue to move so mightyly like before, and i know that our lives will never be the same again. Not by might, nor by power, but its by Your Spirit... so Father, we thank You again, for Your's is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, in Jesus's mighty name, Amen!

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