Sunday, November 12, 2006

~Steadfast In Giving~

There was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines in Gerar. Then the Lord appeared to Him and said: "Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land in which I shall tell you.
Gen 26:1-2.
Even as children of God, sometimes some of us do face lack in a way or another, but when that happens, that is when we ought to be steadfast in your giving to the Lord amen? In the scriptures above, it says that there is a famine in the land. It means there is lack. But God appeared to Issac, telling him not to go down to Egypt! Friends, Egypt speaks of the World. How true is it that in the World's system, everyone would want to hold on tightly to whatever they have, whenever there is lack.
God doesn't want us to down to the World's system or mentality, where we hold on tightly to whatever financies we have, when we are in lack. Why? Because thats an expression of doubt or fear. It is a sign of our lack of faith in God, to believe that when we give, it shall be given back to us. but instead, God wants us to be steadfast in our faith and conviction, and continue to trust in Him... But when Isaac begin to steadfast in obedience to the Lord, guess what happens?
But Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in that same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him.
Gen 26:12
Thus, lets be steadfast in our giving, even if we might not have enough, we can still give and believe that our Father God is a God of more than enough, Amen?

Thursday, August 31, 2006


I believe most of you guys should have heard this before, Worship derived from "Worth- Ship." therefore in everything in we do, we will do it for the glory of God, because He is worth the effort, the time, the scarifice, the pain and the commitment. He alone is worthy! Friends, therefore if you want to know whether are you really worshipping God in doing something, just take away every non-God factor, and you will know.
Take away the sense of security, the regconition, the interest, the profit, the approval of others and anything that is not completely for God or anything that will not glorify God directly. Will you still put in the same effort, time, commitment, scarifice and go the extra mile? If you can confidently say you would, then you are really living a life of worship unto the Lord! =)

Father God, we pray that You would change our hearts, that everything we do, we will do it for You and You alone. For in the heavens and the earth, only You alone are worthy. And You alone are worthy for us to go the extra mile. Lord, mould us to be people after Your own heart.
In Jesus's name, Amen.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Hey friends, recently i just finished reading a book by John Bevere titled, "Victory in th wilderness." it talks about the wilderness experience that everyone of us have to go through, and how to emerge victoriously just like Jesus did.

There one chapter thats talk about the wilderness as a place of change for us to go to the next level, just wanna share one part of it that i feel its going to bless us.

Remember when we first got saved and was filled with the Spirit, it would be so easy to experience the presence of God. Sometimes the presence of God will simply manifest itself the moment we pray. However, after some time you will find that sensing God's presence is not as easy, i'm still praying the way i am, but where's God? Friends, let me welcome you to the wilderness, and God is preparing you- the wine skin, for the new wine, which is the fresh move of God's spirit.

Jesus says no one puts new wine into a old wineskin as the wineskin will burst and the wine will be spilled, let us see what the Lord means by taking a look at the wineskin used at that time. The wineskin of Jesus's days were made out of sheep skin, when the wine is first put in, the wineskin is flexible and pliable. Just like when we first receive Christ, we are teachable and mouldable, quick to repent quick to change. But as time goes by the atmosphere will asbsorb all the moisture out of the wineskin, leaving it brittle and hard. If you fill in the new wine now, the wineskin will not be able to take the weight of the new wine, neither will it be able to restand the fermentation process of the wine, thus the wineskin will surely burst. So in order to rejunvenate the wineskin in order for it to contain the new wine, it must be soaked in water for a few days (washing by the Word of God) and be rubbed with olive oil (seeking the Lord in prayer). But first we have to empty the old wine, taking away of God's tangible presence. God doesn't do that to make us feel outcasted or frustrated, but by Him doing that, it will cause us to seek for Him again. And seeking causes us to be flexible and pliable again. And when we are thirsty, we will not reject the new wine and desire the old wine( the old way of doing things in our comfort zone), as most of us would have choosen if we have a choice, "And no one, having drunk with old wine, immediately desires new; for he says,'the old is better.'" Luke 5:39 therefore pouring out of the old wine causes us to become thristy for the Lord's presence and open for a new move of the Spirit of God. And God is able to use us amen?

So friends, if you feel dry in your walk with God, don't give up, keep on seeking the Lord. He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him! God may be moulding you right now for something new and you may be well on your way to the next level. So keep on pressing in!

Behold I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert,
Isaiah 43:19

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Hi Folks, from now on this will be the place i will be keeping all my thoughts, revelations, updates of whats happening lately and you would definately expect one or two lame articles, if you know me in person... well enjoy and may your life be changed upon reading some truths right here in the future.. take care! God bless...

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -Jn 8:32