Thursday, August 31, 2006


I believe most of you guys should have heard this before, Worship derived from "Worth- Ship." therefore in everything in we do, we will do it for the glory of God, because He is worth the effort, the time, the scarifice, the pain and the commitment. He alone is worthy! Friends, therefore if you want to know whether are you really worshipping God in doing something, just take away every non-God factor, and you will know.
Take away the sense of security, the regconition, the interest, the profit, the approval of others and anything that is not completely for God or anything that will not glorify God directly. Will you still put in the same effort, time, commitment, scarifice and go the extra mile? If you can confidently say you would, then you are really living a life of worship unto the Lord! =)

Father God, we pray that You would change our hearts, that everything we do, we will do it for You and You alone. For in the heavens and the earth, only You alone are worthy. And You alone are worthy for us to go the extra mile. Lord, mould us to be people after Your own heart.
In Jesus's name, Amen.

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