Monday, August 25, 2008

The Kingdom of God...(part 1)

Well, as the custom is that whenever i do a new post, i must first apologise for the long MIA, so so sorry guys, really hard to find time to blog, but i guess most of you guys have already gotten used to it right? Anyway things that are rare are more appreciated isn't it? hahaha... btw here is something that happen very recently that i really felt a lot for.

Last monday on the 18 of August, i went for the morning prayer at the Heart of God church, and Pastor Aries was sharing with us that even as we come and pray, lets seek to lift up the name of the Lord and not come with the Lord with our prayers needs all the time, it was really that sets me thinking, and when i went for my company's devotion later on, praying by the beach, i remembered what Pastor said in the morning.

So i ask God, if He has anything for to me to pray and to intercede, and for that day, i just wanted to be an intercessor and pray for the needs in the Kingdom. However, the first thing that God asked me to pray for is my business (i'm self-employed btw, if you do not know...) so i felt... ok... since God asked me to pray for my business, why not? so when i finished praying for my business, i asked God if He has any "Kingdom" stuff for me to intercede? And God told me something very powerful, God said i just did...that my business is His kingdom agenda, and from there i understand that when we pray Your kingdom come and Your will be done, we are praying that Jesus will reign over a particular sphere of influence that we are in, for example, our school, our work, our ministry, etc... and God work through people, so the only way for Jesus to reign in that sphere of influence, is that we have dominion over it. So if all the Christians rise up to take dominion over the spheres that they are in in the marketplace, then truly we are going back do what God has called us to do in Gen 1:28 “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” therefore work has taken a whole new perspective for me, marketplace ministry has never seem so real...cos i know i'm it for something....

P.S so sorry, i'm too tried to finish off everything, look out for part 2 k? hopefully won't be too long. =)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

multiplication power

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:27-28

When God created man, the Word of God says that God created us in His image and his likeness, we are to pattern ourselves after our Creator, the way we think, the way we move. therefore when God blesses man in Genesis 1:28 asking man to be fruitful and multiply, this means that God Himself also moves in the power of multiplication! Wow! And we can see this truth in the miracles performed by the prophets as well as Jesus in both the old and new testament.

However, one very important key to unlock God's multiplication power is Faith! Faith is the currency of heaven...By faith God spoke the things which are not visible into existence. When Jesus was faced with the multitude, the Bible says that Jesus already knew how He is going to deal with the situation. "But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do." (John 6:6).

A taiwanese youth pastor shared this very interesting fact in an offering message, the Bible records that there are 5000 men in Jesus's conference. Historians says that 500 recorded in the Word of God actually excludes the wives and the children, so if everyone had a wife and one child, there would have been around 15000 people there that day. Imagine there are approximately 5000 families there, how is it possible that the only food available is 5 loaves and 2 fishes belonging to a lad?

Friends, i really believe that there must be more. For the rest of the people present, its not resources that they lacked, its faith. The lad's faith is the key for unlocking the multiplication power while the rest are just a victim of the "lack mentality." Remember a ittle becomes much when its placed into the Master's hand. Experience God's multiplication power today!